Добрый день, коллеги! Помогите найти хорошего репетитора по английскому языку (была бы рада услышать что-то про Зеленоград и окрестности, но готова ездить и в Москву). Хочется, чтобы действительно был результат, готова активно учиться! Курсы и языковые школы - это трата денег впустую! На данный момент учусь в языковой школе, где 15 человек в группе - преподаватель даже не успевает к каждому подойти, а уж о проверке домашних заданий речи вообще не идет...(((
Pavel Forget about school methods which we used to have some years ago. Nowadays there are huge numbers... еще different types of books, methods, especially if you come to a special language school. Just try it, yandex will help you in this question. I have got enormously big collection different materials for English learners. If you need a man, why don’t you choose one? Believe me; you can do it, because you pay. If it is your demand, then each language school would be happy to give you right man. Just come to the nearest school or choose somebody on the internet. Mother, join us !
Новичок-HR Pavel, I know most of gramma, i don"t want books and copybooks) I want real talking and etc.)
Хорошо бы поработать I need a good coach regardless of sex
Hello friends! I am really glad to find people at this forum, who are interested in studying English. Yes, I agree, that everybody wants or I would say - strongly desires real and extremely clever English teacher. If he/her is a native speaker that will be better, right? But the problem is that we live in Russia and it is not so easy to catch here any English alive. And even you are so lucky and find him then you will pay quite big price.
I have been studying this language for some years. And currently this is my hobby. It has influenced on me and has changed my life completely. I have tried many different methods and have tried many English teachers, including those who couldn’t teach at all.
Tonight I am going to have my first lesson on skype. I have found on the internet huge amount offers about education on skype and it sound like great idea for me to have additional lessons during working week. Will try it and after write my opinion about it.
Pavel Hello friends! I am really glad to find people at this forum, who are interested in studying... еще English. Yes, I agree, that everybody wants or I would say - strongly desires real and extremely clever English teacher. If he/her is a native speaker that will be better, right? But the problem is that we live in Russia and it is not so easy to catch here any English alive. And even you are so lucky and find him then you will pay quite big price. I have been studying this language for some years. And currently this is my hobby. It has influenced on me and has changed my life completely. I have tried many different methods and have tried many English teachers, including those who couldn’t teach at all. Tonight I am going to have my first lesson on skype. I have found on the internet huge amount offers about education on skype and it sound like great idea for me to have additional lessons during working week. Will try it and after write my opinion about it. Keep writing and practicing!
will you communicate with a native speaker on skype?
Хорошо бы поработать will you communicate with a native speaker on skype?
No, she is from the central part of Russia. I can explain my choice. Each weekend I go to a language school. My teacher is very, very experienced hot girl, but I can not hire her during working days. The service of our teachers is twice cheaper, but the quality of education (in my pesonal opinion) is very close to native teachers. So I tend to have business with them.
What about you? Tell us about your achievements!
Alis75 с удовольствием....но я стока не выпью.....
Новичок-HR Pavel, Is your speaking English so good as writing?
I would rank my ability like this: 1. Understanding 2. Writing 3. Speaking
Frankly speaking I was expecting great numbers different messages at this theme. But as you can see there are just a few. Perhaps people just wouldn’t like make effort to communicate. It is quite weird because nowadays language schools are full of learners.