Добрый день, коллеги! Помогите найти хорошего репетитора по английскому языку (была бы рада услышать что-то про Зеленоград и окрестности, но готова ездить и в Москву). Хочется, чтобы действительно был результат, готова активно учиться! Курсы и языковые школы - это трата денег впустую! На данный момент учусь в языковой школе, где 15 человек в группе - преподаватель даже не успевает к каждому подойти, а уж о проверке домашних заданий речи вообще не идет...(((
Возможно вам поможет этот сайт - ссылка Здесь очень широкие критерии, по которым вы можете подобрать репетирота - ваш город, возраст репетитора, пол, опыт, даже место занятий) Там даже музыкальные репетиторы есть: фортепиано, сольфелдио и так далее. Очень хороший сайт на самом деле, если вы ищете профессионалов - вам туда) Я в своё время нашла там репетитора по английскому языку, очень довольна была занятиями)
В прошлом году наткнулась на интересный проект На сайте МГППУ (психолого-педагогический) где-то есть раздел дистанционного обучения. Там 1 раз в неделю проводились занятия по английскому с носителем. Форма проведения - разговорный клуб. В основном это устные беседы, но были также и практические задания. По-моему, дистанционка в МГППУ платная, но я училась в другом универе, просто заходила и болтала с ними, и мне ничего за это не было. Конечно, эти занятия не сделают знание англ. превосходным, но они раскрепощают и учат быстро подбирать нужные слова. P.S. Если ссылку не удалят, то вот она ссылка
Does anybody have experience to study English on skype? Who thinks that making records during lesson is a great idea? People, please tell about successful methods which you use, let’s share it with us. I offer to continue this theme in English; anyway it will be useful to have additional opportunity to practice.
No, I have never been there, but still hope to visit these countries one day. Unfortunately it is almost always lack of communication in English for me. Speaking with own reflection in the mirror does not entertain me too much and my current job allows to communicate just a bit.
Pavel How it is going? What about you? No, I have never been there, but still hope to visit these... еще countries one day. Unfortunately it is almost always lack of communication in English for me. Speaking with own reflection in the mirror does not entertain me too much and my current job allows to communicate just a bit. Please, write more!
Last night I was involved in one funny project. It was a language school which allowed any people from all around the world to communicate to each other in one virtual room, with English teacher of course. Gosh, after that meeting I realised how poor my English is
What about you? Where and how you have been studying this language?
Новичок-HR Pavel, you"re wrong) I know English only a little bit) But I see, that you can speak English more then very very well)
You understand my writing and answer it. It shows you ability. Just keep practicing!
Pavel, yes, I understand you) but sometimes I don"t know how to say anything right) I studied English at school and university, and in special courses)
That is really very common problem, when ability to understand is much higher when ability to speak. Some people are really afraid to speak in front of the people. All of this happens because of the absence of opportunity to speak with live people. We read, we listen to the radio, watch tv, etc. but do not speak enough.
Beautiful, young, extremely hot English teacher are wanted!
Pavel, I think my vocabulary is poorer, than I need for communication) I have spoken in English rather good in my trip to Tunisia last year. I met there the couple from London, they understood me)
Let’s find the theme which will be interesting for us. After, we will discuss about that with pleasure.
So what do you think about current situation with job? What do you think about the immigration in general? How much time do you usually spend for education every day? How does your English teacher look like? Is she pretty? Please, write, what are you interesteed in.
Pavel Let’s find the theme which will be interesting for us. After, we will discuss about that with... еще pleasure. So what do you think about current situation with job? What do you think about the immigration in general? How much time do you usually spend for education every day? How does your English teacher look like? Is she pretty? Please, write what you are interested in.
yep, my English teacher is so pretty as you like it... the situations about job and immigration are not so interesting...
Pavel, I"m not studying now, I"m only working. Five days in a week I"m working, and two days have a rest. I rent a flat with my friends and go to my parents in country in weekend.
Хорошо бы поработать yep, my English teacher is so pretty as you like it... the situations about job and immigration are not so interesting...
Yea, almost all teachers in this field are so attractive…… I must confession to make….. usually I fall in love with all my English teachers. Maybe it is the sickness of my mind but still can do nothing with it. What about you?
Новичок-HR Pavel, I"m not studying now, I"m only working. Five days in a week I"m working, and... еще two days have a rest. I rent a flat with my friends and go to my parents in country in weekend.
I think you should continue your education, why not?
Pavel, I think it"s enough for me! I would like to learn English with interesting person and on interesting methodics) not like in school) I don"t like books like Bonk) comrade Ivanov, comrade Petrov, you know) I want to know more realistic English language)
Pavel Yea, almost all teachers in this field are so attractive…… I must confession to make….. usually I... еще fall in love with all my English teachers. Maybe it is the sickness of my mind but still can do nothing with it. What about you? I think you should continue your education, why not?
falling in love with an English teacher is a rule I never loved my English teachers - they all were women almost everybody... besides one
Хорошо бы поработать falling in love with an English teacher is a rule I never loved my English teachers - they all... еще were women almost everybody... besides one присоединяйся
Новичок-HR Pavel, I think it"s enough for me! I would like to learn English with interesting person and... еще on interesting methodics) not like in school) I don"t like books like Bonk) comrade Ivanov, comrade Petrov, you know) I want to know more realistic English language)
Forget about school methods which we used to have some years ago. Nowadays there are huge numbers different types of books, methods, especially if you come to a special language school. Just try it, yandex will help you in this question. I have got enormously big collection different materials for English learners.
Хорошо бы поработать falling in love with an English teacher is a rule I never loved my English teachers - they all... еще were women almost everybody... besides one присоединяйся
If you need a man, why don’t you choose one? Believe me; you can do it, because you pay. If it is your demand, then each language school would be happy to give you right man. Just come to the nearest school or choose somebody on the internet.