Assistant Manager, Risk Management

№ 1183552  ·  17 июня 2013, 15:29  ·  24 просмотра

Архивная вакансия

Кадровое агентство

Кадровый холдинг "ПРОФИЛЬ"


Вакансия находится в архиве

Условия работы


Москва, м. Охотный ряд   –   на карте

Заработная плата

По договоренности

График работы

Полный рабочий день


IATA Moscow office


-Analyze the passenger markets financial behavior, and form a comprehensive and individual financial security models related to the passenger settlement operations;

-Undertake all necessary actions for sending Irregularity and Default Notices and handle all default processes in full compliance with IATA Resolutions and Standard Operating Procedures;

-Control the process of providing Bank Guarantees by Agents, check authenticity of Bank Guarantees, monitor the period of their expiration and renewals, and determine the level of guarantees based on BSP statistics;

-Encashment of Bank Guarantees in case of Agent’s defaults;

-Overall administration and coordination of the Agencies Financial Review process in compliance with the established local criteria;

-Lead projects and implement measures to mitigate any risks associated to the business.

Maintain Business Contingency Plans, Disaster Recovery Plans and any other related contingency planning and control including all IT;

-Improve existing process, obtain operational knowledge, implement Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and develop standardized methodologies;

-Provide reporting as requested by the Industry Distribution and Financial Services (IDFS) Manager, Russia.

Требования к кандидату *



Опыт работы

От 5 лет


Английский (Свободный)


-Minimum five years of work experience in the travel industry in a supervisory role;

-Experience in risk management, compliance, and investigations would be an asset;

-Experience in budget and financial disciplines;

-Knowledge of IATA role within the distribution system would be an asset;

-Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work independently;

-Embrace IATA’s corporate values: be people and team oriented, focused on results, embrace innovation and change, and demonstrate leadership and personal integrity;

-Excellent IT skills, particularly MS office;

-Excellent written/verbal communication skills in English and Russian.

Помощник супервайзера

35 000 – 60 000 руб.


Кассир в ресторан

от 60 000 руб.



от 100 000 руб.


Менеджер по продажам Региональный

от 100 000 руб.


Повар г/ц

от 3 400 руб.


Менеджер по продажам

от 150 000 руб.


Оператор производственной линии

до 70 000 руб.


Дворник на вечер

16 100 – 32 200 руб.



60 000 – 70 000 руб.

Рязанский проспект

Продавец-кассир в супермаркет Сеть "ДА"

55 000 – 80 450 руб.


* Требования, не связанные с деловыми качествами соискателя (например, пол или возраст), не являются обязательными!